☢ JP CVVC Reclists ☢

☆ 8-Mora CVVC ☆ 8モーラCVVC ☆

Version 2.6.1

  • Contains all of the standard Japanese diphones.
  • Built on midphrase CVs and transitional VCs (standard excludes Cy VCs).
  • OTO includes initial consonants (excluding plosives); expanded reclist OTO also includes final consonants.
  • Vowels are the same as VCV.

Standard (34)

Standard Base OTO (312)

Expanded (34)

Expanded Base OTO (381)

☆ 8-Mora CVVC Extras ☆ 8モーラCVVCのエクストラ ☆

Version 2.7.0

  • Optional Extras to be included with your voicebank for more varied pronunciation and limited multilingual compatibility.
  • You can pick and choose what to include from these.

Japanese Allophones (Standard) (8)

Japanese Allophones OTO (Standard) (72)

Japanese Allophones (Expanded) (8)

Japanese Allophones OTO (Expanded) (96)

English Phonemes (Standard) (5)

English Phonemes OTO (Standard) (60)

English Phonemes (Expanded) (5)

English Phonemes OTO (Expanded) (65)

☆ 2-Mora CVVC ☆ 2モーラCVVC ☆

Version 2.5.1

  • Organized into short strings by consonant-vowel pair.
  • Contains all of the standard Japanese diphones.
  • Contains initial CVs, medial CVs, transitional VCs (standard excludes Cy VCs). Expanded list also contains final VCs for most consonants.
  • Vowels are the same as VCV.

Standard (158)

Standard Base OTO (428)

Expanded (174)

Expanded Base OTO (561)

☆ 2-Mora CVVC Extras ☆ 2モーラCVVCのエクストラ ☆

Version 2.5.0

  • Optional Extras to be included with your voicebank for more varied pronunciation and limited multilingual compatibility.
  • You can pick and choose what to include from these.

Japanese Allophones (Standard) (42)

Japanese Allophones OTO (Standard) (104)

Japanese Allophones (Expanded) (48)

Japanese Allophones OTO (Expanded) (147)

English Phonemes (Standard) (30)

English Phonemes OTO (Standard) (80)

English Phonemes (Expanded) (30)

English Phonemes OTO (Expanded) (105)