☢ Japanese CV Reclists ☢

☆ Minimum CV ☆ 最小の単独音 ☆

Version 3.2.0

  • Bare minimum needed to synthesize Japanese.
  • Diphones can be recorded as separate .wav files or strung together with beats of silence between them.

Romaji (102)

Romaji Base OTO (102)

かな (102)

かなのOTO (102)

☆ Standard CV ☆ 基準の単独音 ☆

Version 3.2.0

  • Contains all the samples typically included with Japanese voicebanks.
  • Some samples can be omitted as long as all of the required samples are still present.
  • Diphones can be recorded as separate .wav files or strung together with beats of silence between them.

Romaji (136)

Romaji Base OTO (136)

かな (136)

かなのOTO (136)

☆ Extras ☆ エクストラ ☆

Version 3.4.0

  • Optional extras to be included with your voicebank for more varied pronunciation and limited multilingual compatibility.
  • You can pick and choose what to include from these.

Japanese Allophones (39)

Japanese Allophones OTO (39)

English Phonemes (25)

English Phonemes OTO (25)

日本語の異音 (39)

日本語の異音のOTO (39)

英語の音素 (25)

英語の音素のOTO (25)

☆ Rentan CV ☆ れんたんの単独音 ☆

Version 1.0.1

  • Bare minimum needed to synthesize Japanese, oragnized in continuous 9-mora strings.
  • CVs are sampled mid-phrase and vowels are the same as VCV.
  • Intention of the list is to be small and fast but still smooth.
  • Obviously you can also make rentan lists with more samples, but organizing them elegantly is nearly identicaly to CVVC, so I'd recommend just recording one of those lists and omitting the VCs from the oto.

Romaji (18)

Romaji Base OTO (144)

かな (18)

かなのOTO (144)