☢ Toki Pona Reclists ☢

Toki Pona is a constructed language with a rather small phoneme inventory and a lot of room for allophonic variation; this makes it pretty flexible for reclist writing.

This is my first attempt making lists for a conlang, but given the nature of the language I was able to write all of these in one day lol

All reclists are at partially or fully tested but none are finalized. Will finalize them eventually. In the meantime, feel free to use these versions and give feedback.

☆ Toki Pona CV ☆

Version 0.1

  • Lists have been tested but not finalized
  • Minimum list contains only the necessary samples needed for synthesizing Toki Pona
  • Standard list contains a few extra CVs for list symmetry as well as nasal variants[m n ng]
  • Extras include voiced allophones for voiceless consonants [b, d, g, z] and a tap allophone for /l/ [r]

Minimum CV

Standard CV

CV Extras

☆ Toki Pona CVVC ☆

Version 0.1

  • Lists have been tested but not finalized
  • Minimum list contains only the necessary samples needed for synthesizing Toki Pona; nasals are always syllabic only includes [N C] samples
  • Standard list contains a few extra CVs for list symmetry as well as nasal variants[m n ng]; uses separate strings for nasals to include [VN C] samples and optional [CVN] samples (only necessary if vowels are nasalized)
  • Extras include glottal stop VCVs, nasalized vowel ends, voiced allophones for voiceless consonants [b, d, g, z], and a tap allophone for /l/ [r]

Minimum CVVC

Standard CVVC

CVVC Extras

CVC Add-on

☆ Toki Pona VCV ☆

Version 0.1

  • Lists have only been partially tested
  • The basic list is a typical VCV; a few extra CVs are included for symmetry, and nasals are always syllabic
  • VCV+VNCV 1 (better name pending) includes [VN CV] samples but not [V(N) CVN] samples
  • VCV+VNCV 2 (better name pending) includes both [VN CV] samples and [V(N) CVN] samples
  • Extras include glottal stop VCVs, nasalized vowel ends, voiced allophones for voiceless consonants [b, d, g, z], and a tap allophone for /l/ [r]

Basic VCV

Basic VCV Extras


VCV + VNCV 1 Extras


VCV + VNCV 2 Extras