☢ Salem CVVC FULL (GenAm) List ☢

☆ Core Reclist ☆

Version 1.1.0

Changes from v1.0:

  • Removed reduced diphthongs [e] and [o] due to infrequent usage and being difficult to produce in isolation. These phones still exist in the documentation as optional extras. Kept reduced dipthong [a]. Change applies to all add-ons as well.


Base OTO

Short Strings (untested)

☆ Cluster Add-On ☆

Version 1.1.0


Base OTO

Short Strings (untested)

☆ Breath Add-On ☆

Version 1.1.0


Base OTO

Short Strings (untested)

☆ CVC Add-On ☆

Version 0.10.0

Not 100% tested; there may be minor errors.


Base OTO

Short Strings (untested)

☆ Extra Vowel Blend Add-On ☆

Coming soon!